Prototype of collision detection buggy using the BBC micro:bit expansion port.
We'll be using the knowledge we've gained from having developed the kits & teaching materials to support the sales of over a million educational electronic project kits to deliver a range of resources for the BBC micro:bit project. These resources will cover using the BBC micro:bit expansion connector with additional components and also using conductive thread so that the BBC micro:bit can be included in an e-textiles project. These resources will give step by step instructions describing everything a student will need to do to make the project as well as the details of how to program the BBC micro:bit.Prototype of the BBC microbit E-Texitles emoji bag.
So without further ado, we'd like to introduce, the BBC micro:bit Kitronik University Course.©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.
Rob Haywood
They will be sent out to all year 7 pupils in the first half term back after the summer break by the BBC. If you want to make sure you are registered you can do so here:
Kevin Spencer
Hi I'm very interested in introducing the BBC micro bit to my year 7 pupils, can you tell me how I go about obtaining these. Thank you Kevin Spencer HoD Design Technology Engineering Kimbolton School