
Now Shipping to (and Supporting) the USA (and Canada)!

Now Shipping to (and Supporting) the USA (and Canada)!

So we're delighted to announce that we can now ship to the US (and Canada!) via UPS!
NTU BSc (Hons) Secondary D&T Education End of Year Show!

NTU BSc (Hons) Secondary D&T Education End of Year Show!

Following two hugely successful shows last year and the year before, the NTU Year 2 Design & Technology Education students had kindly invited us to attend this year's End of Year Show.
New Product Update: Want an Easy Way to Learn About Solar Energy? Try Our New Solar Powered Buggy!

New Product Update: Want an Easy Way to Learn About Solar Energy? Try Our New Solar Powered Buggy!

With our Solar Powered Buggy, learning how to harness the sun's energy to produce power is fun and hands-on. We have also extended our LilyPad range for those of you that are into E-Textiles (and music...)!
New Product Update: Discover Crystal Clear Audio With Our New Range of Speakers!

New Product Update: Discover Crystal Clear Audio With Our New Range of Speakers!

Our range of speakers is extending and now includes a small Surface Transducer, Subminiature High Power Speakers and Round/Square Mylar Cone Speakers.
LoveScience at the UK Maker Faire, April 26-27

LoveScience at the UK Maker Faire, April 26-27

At the UK Maker Faire 2014, LoveScience had several activities that families and young makers could get involved with, such as adding LEDs to animal and robot card templates using Electric Paint, painting your own ‘scratch and sniff card’, and learning how thermocratic paint works.
New Product Update: New Alkaline Batteries, Jumper Wires and Heating Pads

New Product Update: New Alkaline Batteries, Jumper Wires and Heating Pads

Our new products this week include Heating Pads, Jumper Leads in packs of 40, and Alkaline Batteries at an economical price.
Maker Fun - Craft and Technology Combined!

Maker Fun - Craft and Technology Combined!

For us, like so many others, Maker Fun was a definite Maker Faire highlight; the combination of craft and technology was deeply inspiring and it was clear that the mini makers were hugely engaged!
New Product Update: Kits, Kits, and Yet More Kits!

New Product Update: Kits, Kits, and Yet More Kits!

Our range of fun, educational kits is extending and now includes the WeevilEye, a Binary Blaster Kit, and a H2OhNo! ATtiny Dev Board / Water Alarm.
SpaceHack Game by York Hackspace

SpaceHack Game by York Hackspace

We were blown away by the work that York Hackspace had put into their SpaceHack Game, which they exhibited at the UK Maker Faire in Newcastle, April 2014. Find out more here!
New Product Update: a Beginner Parts Kit, a Resistor Kit, a Power Supply with Interchangeable AC Pins, and More!

New Product Update: a Beginner Parts Kit, a Resistor Kit, a Power Supply with Interchangeable AC Pins, and More!

Our new products this week include a 5V 2.5A Mains Wall Power Supply with UK, EU, US and AU Adaptors, a 9V PP3 Battery Clip Lead to 2.1mm DC Connector, a Resistor Kit and a Beginner Parts Kit.
Design & Make the Future 2014

Design & Make the Future 2014

Design & Make the Future 2014 was run by Teach Design and took place on Saturday 10th May at the National STEM Centre in York. The day was packed with a combination of keynotes, workshops, networking and exhibitions.
New Product Update: Arcade Joystick and Buttons, Arduino Modules and More...

New Product Update: Arcade Joystick and Buttons, Arduino Modules and More...

Looking to develop a fun, hands-on and interactive Electronics project? Are you a keen gamer? Looking for new ways to deliver the Computing Curriculum? Ever considered building your own game controller...?
New Product Update: Our New Retail Packaged Project Kits

New Product Update: Our New Retail Packaged Project Kits

We have newly Retail Packaged Project Kits (for Electronics and E-Textiles) that we're bursting to tell you about...
Maker Faire UK 2014

Maker Faire UK 2014

Maker Faire UK took place at the Life Science Centre in Newcastle on April 26-27 and, boy, wasn't it a good one!
New Product Update: Explore the World of Arduino with these Kits and Accessories

New Product Update: Explore the World of Arduino with these Kits and Accessories

Our Arduino range is extending and now includes the MaKey MaKey Kit, the Starter Kit for RedBoard and many more accessories!
Maker Faire UK is in Newcastle this Weekend!

Maker Faire UK is in Newcastle this Weekend!

Maker Faire UK 2014 Preview - Kitronik's preparation and a selection of the Faire's main attractions.
New Product Update: New Motors and Wheels

New Product Update: New Motors and Wheels

Our Motors and Accessories range is extending and now includes a Geared Motor with matching tyre, a Solar Motor, and a large propeller.
Video Makey Makey Demonstration

Video Makey Makey Demonstration

Demonstration video of Sparkfuns Makey Makey.
Our New Website is Here!

Our New Website is Here!

The main features of our new website.