
Design and Technology gallery

Design and Technology gallery

Stuck for inspiration? Our design and technology gallery features students work from all over the country. See our image gallery for examples of st...
Getting Started With Microsoft MakeCode Editor

Getting Started With Microsoft MakeCode Editor

This Kitronik University Resource is a part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and is a basic guide for getting started with Microsoft MakeCode Editor. Find out more...
Adding Extra ZIP LEDs To The Kitronik Halo

Adding Extra ZIP LEDs To The Kitronik Halo

The Kitronik ZIP Halo for the BBC microbit incorporates 24 colourful ZIP LEDs. It also has an ‘extension’ connection point that allows extra ZIP LEDs to be connected and controlled by the Halo. This tutorial shows how simple and quick this is to do.
3D Printed Windup Torch Kit Resource

3D Printed Windup Torch Kit Resource

We've recently released the Windup torch kit, which is a great way to learn about electronics and alternative power sources. It also lends itself perfectly to enclosure design projects, students can be tasked with designing a case and handle.
Design And Technology Catalogue 2017 – 2018

Design And Technology Catalogue 2017 – 2018

The new Design And Technology Catalogue 2017 – 2018 is now out and should be landing in your school in the very near future. We've also uploaded an interactive digital version that you can access while you wait for your hard copy.
Guide For Coding Indicators On The :MOVE mini

Guide For Coding Indicators On The :MOVE mini

We show you how you might code the :MOVE mini to include turning indicators, much like you might find on the LED lighting arrangements on modern cars.
Guide For Automatic Headlights For :MOVE mini

Guide For Automatic Headlights For :MOVE mini

Learn how to code automatic headlights for the :MOVE mini buggy in the Microsoft PXT Editor and have the buggies lights turn on and off automatically and also to dim or brighten in response to changes in light level.
Drawing With The :MOVE mini For The microbit

Drawing With The :MOVE mini For The microbit

The :MOVE mini has a hole in the boot lid designed to accept a marker pen, such as a Sharpie, for line drawing. All it takes is the sharpie and some code. This guide will show you how to get started with both the PXT editor for the BBC microbit using both blocks and also Java Script.
Controlling :MOVE mini With The microbit Radio

Controlling :MOVE mini With The microbit Radio

In this resource we are going to look at some code we’ve produced that allows you to control :MOVE mini by tilting a second micro:bit and transmitting that information to the micro:bit that is attached to the Servo:Lite board in the :MOVE mini buggy.
Adding Bluetooth Remote Control To :MOVE mini

Adding Bluetooth Remote Control To :MOVE mini

In this resource we’d like to show you how to add Bluetooth remote control to :MOVE mini for the BBC microbit with the PXT editor.
3D Printed Desktop Fan Resource

3D Printed Desktop Fan Resource

In this 3D Printed Desktop Fan Resource we show you how to design and 3D print a stylish enclosure for our new easy build USB Fan Kit. For the budding designers, we’ve included a walk-through of our process from concept to finished product that you can use for inspiration for your own designs.
Kitronik Custom MakeCode Editor Servo Blocks

Kitronik Custom MakeCode Editor Servo Blocks

We've created some custom servo blocks for the PXT editor that anyone can use and that make the job of coding as quick and as painless as possible. Find out how to use them.
Using Kitronik ZIP LEDs With The BBC microbit

Using Kitronik ZIP LEDs With The BBC microbit

In this practical guide for Kitronik ZIP LEDs, we cover; what ZIP LEDs are, how they work and how to write code for them, using the Microsoft PXT Editor.
Controlling 3 Servos With The Servo:Lite board

Controlling 3 Servos With The Servo:Lite board

In this resource for the Servo:Lite board we are going to cover how you can ‘hack’ the board to facilitate the driving of three servos.
The June 2017 Update Design & Technology Flyer

The June 2017 Update Design & Technology Flyer

The Kitronik June 2017 D&T update flyer is now out and it's choc full of great new products! If you don't yet have your hard copy; we've also put it online for your convenience, access it anytime, anywhere and on any device that has an internet browser.
Build a micro:bit controlled Zumo buggy

Build a micro:bit controlled Zumo buggy

The Zumo Chassis is a great starting point for buggy project. In this tutorial we will show you how it can be used in conjunction with our Motor Driver board for the BBC micro:bit and our Klaw kit to create this fun buggy with gripper action!
Build A Klawsome microbit Controlled Tank

Build A Klawsome microbit Controlled Tank

By popular request on twitter, Kitronik Technical Director Dave Sanderson shows you how you can build a totally Klawsome microbit controlled Tank.
Using PWM with the Kitronik Motor Driver Board

Using PWM with the Kitronik Motor Driver Board

Way back when we first released our Motor Driver Board the microbit Block Editor only allowed digital write on the pins we used for controlling motors. This meant that motors had to be full on or off. Thanks to an update in the PXT editor you can now use PWM to control the motors and therefore the speed of your buggy.
The May 2017 Update Design & Technology Flyer

The May 2017 Update Design & Technology Flyer

The Kitronik May 2017 D&T update flyer is now out! If you don't yet have your copy; we've also put it online for your convenience, access it anytime, anywhere and on any device that has an internet browser.
Free CPD Simple Robotics With The BBC microbit

Free CPD Simple Robotics With The BBC microbit

We are pleased to announce details of our second CPD Teacher training evening wich will cover simple programmable robotics with the BBC microbit. The event is open, and free, to Teachers and CAS members only.